Casino Palermo
Oli Bonzanigo, Alessandro Calabrese, Martina Corà, Barbara
De Ponti, Theo Drebbel, Ramak Fazel, Teresa Giannico, Guido Guidi, Takashi
Homma and Alessandro Sambini.

The exhibition is the result of a special residency project, created and curated by the gallery which, in June and July 2018, moved to Palermo, in the heart of the historical district of Kalsa, transforming it into an atelier buzzing with life and characterised by exhibitions and presentations. During the Palermo residency, the artists gathered traces and aspects of the city as new elements to study for the creation of new works, which are now exhibited in the gallery in Viasaterna in Milan.
Takashi Homma confirms his interest for the relationship between humankind, architecture and nature. Ramak Fazel focuses his special outlook on the distinctive traits of the city, including the suburbs and the portraits of the people he encountered; Guido Guidi looks at the concepts of earthliness and transformation, focusing attention on the transience of a number of Sicilian places and landscapes, and Teresa Giannico photographs a paper diorama which has in turn been constructed from other images. Then there are works focused on vernacular elements, presented by Theo Drebbel as miniature archetypes, as silent as relics. Alessandro Calabrese manipulates words to adapt to his way of working with images, de-constructing and re-constructing them through apocopation and syllabification on large sheets of paper; Martina Corà creates a dialogue between performance, video-art and installation, and Oli Bonzanigo bridges together languages through musical compositions and painting. The exhibition is completed with the special projects by Alessandro Sambini, who assembles representations of the urban landscape, creating a pictorial and participative happening, and Barbara De Ponti, who presents a bio-study on the sense of belonging and alienation of people with regards to their historical period.
Takashi Homma confirms his interest for the relationship between humankind, architecture and nature. Ramak Fazel focuses his special outlook on the distinctive traits of the city, including the suburbs and the portraits of the people he encountered; Guido Guidi looks at the concepts of earthliness and transformation, focusing attention on the transience of a number of Sicilian places and landscapes, and Teresa Giannico photographs a paper diorama which has in turn been constructed from other images. Then there are works focused on vernacular elements, presented by Theo Drebbel as miniature archetypes, as silent as relics. Alessandro Calabrese manipulates words to adapt to his way of working with images, de-constructing and re-constructing them through apocopation and syllabification on large sheets of paper; Martina Corà creates a dialogue between performance, video-art and installation, and Oli Bonzanigo bridges together languages through musical compositions and painting. The exhibition is completed with the special projects by Alessandro Sambini, who assembles representations of the urban landscape, creating a pictorial and participative happening, and Barbara De Ponti, who presents a bio-study on the sense of belonging and alienation of people with regards to their historical period.