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Ramak Fazel | Emlex nelle Arti                                                                              
We are pleased to announce that Ramak Fazel will take part in the group exhibition 'Emlex nelle arti' promoted by the law firm elmex owned by Eva Maschietto and Massimo Maggiore and curated by Caterina Verardi.

Ramak Fazel, Paolo Ventura, Fabrizio Cotognini, Andrea Francolino and Goldschmied and Chiari will be the artists in the exhibition. Fazel will present some works from the series '49 Capitols' in which the photographer portrays the everyday life around the Capitol buildings of 49 American states.

‘Architecture is an element that each of us must relate to countless times during any given day. We are forced to come into contact with the beauty, expressed or absent, of a designed space. Architecture is a powerful reality capable of giving life to spaces and places, which in turn are capable, day after day, of shaping those who look at or pass through them.

The selected artists are united by having chosen to look inside this very special relationship, between architecture and our reality, and have been able to build a unique dialogue between space and what it represents, expanding and exploring its every potential nuance. The exhibition itinerary is a journey that leads us to relate with an increasingly abstract reading of space but which then, in a circular way, returns to connect with a profound concreteness’.

text by Caterina Verardi

Emlex in the Arts - Group Exhibition
7t March - 28th March 2024
Via Santo Spirito 3, Milano

    Via Leopardi 32, 20123 Milano    +39 02 36725378    Facebook    Instagram